
Warren Buffet is bullish on gold.

Warren Buffet is bullish on gold.


As the old saying goes, “put your money where your mouth is”.  It is hard to think of a more common cliché yet bulletproofed for years to come. For a couple of decades, the famous investment guru and one of the richest people on the face of the Earth Mr. Warren Buffet was one of the biggest gold critics. With his expertise and influential performance on the markets, he has been de facto the leader of the anti-precious metals investing crowd. However, it seems things are about to change. Warren Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc. has put its name behind one of the largest gold mining companies. It was disclosed that it held a $565 million stakes in Barrick Gold Corp., the world’s second-largest gold miner, at the end of the second quarter of 2020. The stake makes Berkshire the 11th-largest shareholder in Toronto-based Barrick. 

What a change of heart, eh? It looks like the upcoming times of economic turmoil and uncertainty shifted the vision of one of the greatest investors of our time. 

Is he right to jump on the wagon for the upcoming Bull Market for precious metals?

We strongly believe so.




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Price Charts

Silver / Euro
0.00% 0.00
Gold / Euro
+0.01% +0.26
Platinum / Euro
+0.01% +0.09
Palladium / Euro
+0.01% +0.09
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