The famous urban legend goes that it was the winter of 1928 when JFK’s father, Joe Kennedy, was said to have received a stock tip from a shoeshine boy – ‘Buy Zeppelin’. The story goes that Joe went straight to his office and sold everything, reasoning that it must be time to sell when the shoeshine boy gives you stock tips.


This is how a prosperous tech stock burns to the ground... literally.

This is how a prosperous tech stock burns to the ground... literally.


We definitely like modern times better, at least in various aspects. Where we are at right now is porn stars pitching to buy stocks. This just might as well mark the top.

What if Joe Kennedy was given stock tip by Lana Rhoades instead of a random shoeshine boy?

What if Joe Kennedy was given stock tip by Lana Rhoades instead of a random shoeshine boy?


A major narrative shift is underway. The old times of precious metals being perceived just as haven assets are probably over. With $15 trillion worth of negative-yielding bonds, record overvalued stocks, and a historically leveraged global market, investors will likely begin to look at gold and silver with a fresh pair of eyes: growth and value. Precious metals miners are the only industry where we are seeing strong and sustainable growth in revenues and future free cash flow at still incredibly low valuations today. Investors are starting to take note. Silver mining stocks, for instance, have already started to outperform even the market darlings, tech stocks. This is only the beginning of a new era for precious metals.


Helicopter money attracts this kind of traders...

Helicopter money attracts this kind of traders...




While the author has made every effort to provide accurate data and information in the preparation of this article, neither nor the author assumes any responsibility for errors or for changes that occur after the publication. The information referenced is believed to be reliable, accurate, and appropriate, but is not guaranteed in any way. The strategies and forecasts herein are the author’s sole opinion and could prove to be inaccurate. No company, individual, or entity compensated the author or for mention in this article.

The article contains specific names of companies, strategies, different currencies, shares, government bonds, types, and sizes of precious metals, none of which can be deemed recommendations to the readers. Reading this article does not constitute a fiduciary relationship. Data, company-specific or otherwise, will not be updated on an ongoing basis. After the publication in the resources, the author and will not be responsible for future developments.

A registered financial advisor is always the best source of guidance in making financial decisions. The author is not a registered financial advisor and does not address the individual financial condition of the reader.


Price Charts

Silver / Euro
0.00% 0.00
Gold / Euro
+0.02% +0.44
Platinum / Euro
+0.02% +0.15
Palladium / Euro
+0.02% +0.15
View Full Chart